Building a solid team is the first step in leading your business toward success. The second step is to keep your team performance high so it drives results.

Note that businesses having effective collaboration and teamwork boost company sales by 27%. This makes it crucial to bring your team on one page – and to head towards success.

While managing a team is no rocket science, a few tips and following them can make all the difference. In this article, we’ll cover ten effective tips to drive high team performance.

So, let’s get started with these tips.

11 Surefire Tips to Enhance Your Team Performance

Define the Goal


Every organization launches with a set goal – and so will yours. However, the biggest lack comes when this goal is sustained to you.

To improve your team’s performance, it’s crucial that they know them. Explain your team:

Getting answers to these questions and more like this will pump them to achieve it for you and the organization. You can also showcase to your team the bigger picture of how the company’s growth and success can benefit their personal growth.

Employees with a set company goal commit to the organization 3.6 times more than others lacking goals. That said, defining goals and navigating the team to accomplish them will also increase your retention rate.

Explain that you have set a high bar for the team and expect them to reach it. Your trust and expectation will drive the team to the same page and enhance their performance.

Communicate – and Let them Communicate


It all starts with communication – team building, managing, and monitoring. Effective communication gives your team a better understanding of the company’s goals and objectives.

Not only this, your team will expect to have an explanation from you to decide their direction and for driving performance. Employees’ productivity increases by 25% with clear communication.

To make your communication impactful, you should:

Remember, taking questions from the team is the most vital part. Your communication should always be two-way. Otherwise, your employees might not feel connected and take it as an order.

This can also keep them from being creative to make the project, workplace, and organization better and more successful.

Set Exclusive Atmosphere

Set Exclusive Atmosphere

An international survey was conducted on 10,000 workers by Ipsos. The results stated that 85% of employees were unhappy with their office environment and struggle to concentrate.

If you notice, 85% is a big figure, and the lack of focus of a large number of employees means a long distance from your organization’s success. For driving success in the workplace, one of the effective ways is to give your team an exclusive environment – where they can have peace of mind and be productive.

Making your workplace ideal for work will drive success. You can do so by:

Additionally, you can transition your office setting into a coworking place. Many companies already have one that is finding it effective in producing great results from the team.

One way it will help drive high team performance is that the employees will be allowed to jump out of their chairs and have some time to move around and explore others’ desks. This will also encourage coordination between your team members.

Equip Your Team with the Right Tools

Equip Your Team with the Right Tools

Sometimes, the lack is from your side and not the team. They are performing the allotted duties and struggling to have the right tools.

In that case, you need to inquire and equip your team with the right and latest tools. The primary pieces of equipment for the office include:

However, this list has now elongated and also includes software and tools – especially if your team is remote. You will need a communication tool like Slack or a premium version of Zoom to conduct the weekly meetings.

Give Them Importance

Give Them Importance

Your team expects to get value from you and the company. One way you can do so is by giving them importance.

Involve your team members in the discussion of the new project. Ask them to put their ideas on the table, so the project goes successfully.

Not only will this make them feel heard and valued, but it will drive performance with the sensation of owning the company. And the employees owning the company are less likely to leave the organization anytime soon.

Push the horizon of your employees and keep them engaged in the discussions. Keep in mind that your response matters here, and you need to sound positive about your team’s ideas and implement them – if they appear beneficial.

Arrange Team Activities

Arrange Team Activities

A team’s performance is directly proportional to how good an understanding members have with one another – and you. To enhance it, you can arrange activities within the team.

Schedule team time weekly or bi-monthly. Allow your team to relax, engage, and explore each other in this team time.

You can do this by arranging team activities and games. Some of the ice-breaking activities include:

Besides desk jobs, this activity time will allow your team to join heads and discover the strengths and weaknesses the other member have. So, they collaborate efficiently and drive results.

Remember that this might not interest everybody on the team initially. But, you should lead a potential role by involving yourself, making it sound fun, and giving everyone a chance and space to participate – in real-time.

Cooperate With Your Team

Cooperate With Your Team

Let’s face it – employees in the team are also humans, and they expect to have cooperation from you one way or another. Make sure you are lenient with them before they ask it.

Initially, you can provide them with the flexibility of working from home. However, the flexibility isn’t limited to this allowance, and you can also:

In addition to this, you can ask your team members about their preference for adding flexibility. This will also make them feel valued while the choices will become meaningful.

Appreciate & Reward Your Team

Appreciate & Reward Your Team

Your team’s win should be yours. Having an approach like this will help you retain your team members and improve the team’s performance.

Give recognition to every team member who performs well and drives results. This will pump other employees to do better.

92% of employees repeat their actions when given recognition. So, if you want to attain success on a project, recognize and appreciate an employee performing well on a project completed.

If possible, you can also initiate the reward system in your organization. Some rewards you can offer your employees are:

A certificate for recognition will also do if you aren’t in a position to promise bonuses. Remember, the aim is to make your team feel valued and contribute more toward the company’s success.

Provide them Feedback

Provide them Feedback

Gone are the days when annual feedback was effective. On this date, your employees need day-to-day or weekly feedback to know where they stand.

In a survey, 75% of employees stated that feedback is valuable for them. Their opinion is reasonable since they might feel being in the dark without having regular updates.

Arrange a session and give your employees insights into how they perform and can do better. You can also mention their improvement areas – if any.

Keep in mind that your tone needs to be positive and motivational. While you should give your feedback to everybody on the team to make them feel equal.

Motivate them to Perform Better

Motivate them to Perform Better

If you are communicating with the team, providing feedback, and still, if your team’s performance isn’t on par, it’s time to motivate them – with your words and actions.

Motivation works like magic for employees. It insists they improve their performance individually and multiply their drive for results.

In fact, companies that motivate their employees experience a 27% increment in profits. While the increase in sales is at 50%.

Through motivation, you can inspire and aspire your team to look towards a positive future. The motivational session should be conducted often – best if conducted twice a month.

Encourage Learning

Along with technology, the need for updates is also real for the employees. This means your team needs to learn and grow with time to perform better and help the company excel with advanced techniques.

However, learning with a 9 to 5 job isn’t as easy as it appears. So, if you want to enhance your team’s skills, you should encourage them to learn.

You can do so by:

Your goal should be to emphasize the learning environment to drive performance. While practicing, the new techniques should be made mandatory.

In this era of advancement, 87% of millennials believe that learning and development in the workplace are important. This means your employees will highly appreciate and are likely to participate if you initiate the learning mechanism in your organization.


Team performance leads to a company’s success. Today we discussed the most effective tips to drive high team performance.

To do so, define the goals, communicate clearly, equip your team with the right tools, give your team importance, and provide them feedback.

Additionally, you can also initiate the appreciation and reward system, motivate your team, and encourage learning. Arranging team activities can also improve team performance. Use these techniques to attain results from your team.

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