Information Technology Vs Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide

Information Technology (IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are integral to our daily lives. They have far-reaching impacts on industries, businesses, and society. But what exactly sets these fields apart, and how do they intersect?

To answer these questions and provide you with a deeper understanding, we will discuss Information Technology Vs. Artificial Intelligence in this article. Below, we’ll share their definitions, evolution, application, and critical roles. Whether you’re a seasoned IT professional or a newcomer eager to explore these transformative fields, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the dynamic intersection of IT and AI.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Information Technology Vs Artificial Intelligence – Exploring the Differences


Information Technology (IT)

IT refers to the use of computers, software, hardware, networks, and other technologies to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate your data and information. It covers a wide range of activities, including computer programming, system administration, network management, and data analysis.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is a branch of computer science that creates systems and machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding. AI systems simulate human-like cognitive functions.


Information Technology (IT)

IT enhances efficiency, communication, and data management for businesses and society. It has streamlined processes, improved productivity, and enabled the digital transformation of various industries. As a backbone of modern organizations, it ensures smooth operations through the management of hardware, software, and data.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI revolutionizes industries through the automation of complex tasks, making data-driven decisions, and enabling machines to learn from your provided data and improve over time. It has applications in healthcare, finance, autonomous vehicles, and more. The impact of AI is still evolving, with debates around ethics, job displacement, and the role of AI in our society.

Top Applications of Information Technology (IT)

Network Administration

IT professionals manage and maintain computer networks, ensuring they operate efficiently and securely. This includes setting up routers, switches, firewalls, and other networking equipment to enable data communication within organizations.

Database Management

Database administrators (DBAs) design, implement, and maintain databases that store and organize critical data for your business. These databases are essential for various applications, like customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.


With the increasing threat of cyberattacks, IT plays a crucial role in protecting your digital assets. IT specialists develop security protocols, monitor for potential threats, and respond to security incidents to safeguard your organization’s information and systems.

Top Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is a branch of AI that enables machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language. It’s used in chatbots, virtual assistants (e.g., Siri, Alexa), language translation services, sentiment analysis, and voice recognition systems.

Computer Vision

AI-powered computer vision systems can analyze and interpret visual information from images and videos. Applications include facial recognition, autonomous vehicles, medical image analysis (e.g., diagnosing diseases from medical images), and quality control in manufacturing.

Machine Learning in Healthcare

AI and machine learning are revolutionizing healthcare by improving diagnostic accuracy, treatment recommendations, and patient care. AI is used for predicting disease outcomes, drug discovery, personalized treatment plans, and medical image analysis.

Information Technology (IT) Examples

Online Banking Systems

IT is crucial in the development and maintenance of online banking systems. These systems enable your customers to access their accounts, check balances, transfer funds, pay bills, and perform various financial transactions securely over the Internet.

Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing is an IT innovation that provides your organization with scalable and flexible access to computing resources. This includes servers, storage, and software. Popular cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud enable businesses to reduce infrastructure costs, scale their operations, and deploy applications globally.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

CRM systems are IT solutions that help businesses manage their interactions with customers and potential customers. They store and analyze customer data, track sales leads, and facilitate communication between teams. CRM software like Salesforce and HubSpot enhances customer engagement and sales productivity by streamlining marketing, sales, and support processes.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Examples

Autonomous Vehicles

AI helps in the development of self-driving cars. These vehicles use machine learning algorithms, computer vision, and sensor data (such as LiDAR and cameras) to navigate roads, make real-time decisions, and detect and respond to obstacles and traffic conditions. Companies like Tesla, Waymo, and Uber are working on autonomous vehicle technology.

Medical Diagnosis and Imaging

AI is used to assist medical professionals in diagnosing diseases and interpreting medical images more accurately. For example, IBM’s Watson for Oncology uses AI to provide treatment recommendations for cancer patients.

Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are powered by AI and natural language processing. These AI-driven devices understand and respond to spoken or typed commands, answer questions, and control smart home devices. They perform tasks like setting reminders and providing weather updates, making them valuable tools in your daily lives.

Career Opportunities: Information Technology vs. Artificial Intelligence

Information technology vs. artificial intelligence jobs and careers are in wide range, but they differ in focus and specialization. Here’s a comparison of career opportunities in IT and AI:

Career Opportunities in Information Technology (IT)

Network Administrator: Network administrators manage your organization’s computer networks. They ensure that data flows smoothly between devices, troubleshoot network issues, and maintain network security.

  • System Administrator: System administrators manage your organization’s computer systems, including servers and hardware. They install and maintain software, ensure system security, and manage data backups.
  • Software Developer: Software developers design, code, and test computer software and applications. They specialize in web development, mobile app development, or software engineering for specific industries.
  • Database Administrator: Database administrators (DBAs) design, implement, and maintain databases. They ensure data integrity, optimize database performance and troubleshoot issues.
  • Cybersecurity Analyst: With the increasing threat of cyberattacks, cybersecurity analysts work to protect organizations from security breaches. They monitor networks, investigate security incidents, and implement security measures.
  • IT Support Specialist: IT support specialists provide technical assistance to end-users, troubleshoot hardware and software issues, and assist with setting up and maintaining computer systems.
  • Cloud Architect: Cloud architects design and manage cloud-based solutions for organizations. They work with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud to enable scalability and flexibility.

Career Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Machine Learning Engineer: Machine learning engineers design and implement machine learning models and algorithms. They work on applications like natural language processing, image recognition, and recommendation systems.
  • Data Scientist: Data scientists extract insights from large datasets using statistical analysis and machine learning techniques. They help organizations make data-driven decisions and solve complex problems.
  • AI Research Scientist: AI research scientists work on cutting-edge AI research projects, often in academia or research institutions. They contribute to advancements in AI algorithms and technologies.
  • AI Software Developer: AI software developers create software applications that incorporate AI and machine learning capabilities. They work on projects like chatbots, virtual assistants, and autonomous systems.
  • Computer Vision Engineer: Computer vision engineers specialize in developing systems that can interpret and analyze visual information from images and videos. Applications include autonomous vehicles, medical image analysis, and facial recognition.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engineer: NLP engineers build systems that understand and generate human language. They work on applications like language translation, sentiment analysis, and chatbots.
  • AI Ethics and Policy Specialist: As AI technologies raise ethical and policy concerns, specialists in AI ethics and policy work to develop guidelines and regulations to ensure responsible AI development and use.

Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence Vs. Information Technology

Both IT and AI offer unique opportunities and challenges. IT provides a stable and versatile career with a wide range of applications, while AI offers the chance to work on cutting-edge technology. The choice between the two depends on individual interests, career goals, and willingness to adapt to the evolving tech landscape.

Here’s a comparison of the pros and cons of IT and AI:

Information Technology (IT)


  • Versatility: IT offers a wide range of career options and roles, allowing individuals to choose from various specializations such as network administration, software development, cybersecurity, and more.
  • Stability: IT has been a well-established field for decades, offering stable and well-defined career paths with consistent professional demands.
  • Diverse Industries: IT is integral to virtually all industries, from healthcare and finance to entertainment and manufacturing, providing opportunities to work in various sectors.
  • Lower Entry Barrier: Many entry-level IT positions require a relatively lower level of education, making it accessible for individuals with various educational backgrounds and skill levels.
  • Problem Solving: IT professionals often engage in creative problem-solving, troubleshooting issues, and finding innovative solutions to technical challenges.


  • Constant Learning: The fast pace of technological advancements in IT means professionals must continuously update their skills and knowledge to remain competitive in the job market.
  • Long Hours: IT professionals have to work irregular hours, including evenings and weekends, to address system issues or meet project deadlines.
  • Stressful Situations: Dealing with technical problems and security breaches can be stressful, and IT professionals face high-pressure situations.
  • Job Outsourcing: Some IT jobs are outsourced to countries with lower labor costs, potentially leading to job competition and wage stagnation.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)


  • Cutting-Edge Technology: AI is at the forefront of technological innovation, offering opportunities to work on groundbreaking projects and contribute to the future of technology.
  • High Demand: There is a growing demand for AI specialists across various industries, leading to competitive salaries and job security.
  • Solving Complex Problems: AI professionals solve complex, real-world problems using machine learning, deep learning, and data analysis.
  • Automation: AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing up time for professionals to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their work.


  • Specialized Knowledge: AI requires in-depth knowledge of mathematics, statistics, and computer science, making it a challenging field to enter without a strong educational background.
  • Ethical Concerns: AI raises ethical issues related to privacy, bias in algorithms, and job displacement, which is a source of moral and regulatory challenges.
  • Rapid Changes: AI is a rapidly evolving field, and staying up-to-date with the latest developments and technologies is demanding.
  • Data Dependency: AI heavily relies on large datasets, and the quality and availability of data significantly impact the success of AI projects.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Information Technology: Which Is Better

Determining whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Information Technology (IT) is “better” depends on your specific goals and interests considering these fields. AI and IT have their own unique strengths and applications. Here’s a breakdown to help you make an informed decision:

AI (Artificial Intelligence)


  • Cutting-Edge Innovation: AI revolutionizes industries through automation, predictive analytics, and decision-making capabilities.
  • Problem Solving: AI solves complex problems, including those related to natural language understanding, image recognition, and decision-making based on your data.
  • High Demand: The demand for AI specialists is growing rapidly, leading to competitive salaries and numerous job opportunities in diverse industries.
  • Impactful Applications: AI has applications in healthcare (diagnosis and drug discovery), finance (algorithmic trading), autonomous vehicles, recommendation systems, and more.


  • Specialized Knowledge: Entering the AI field typically requires a strong educational background in mathematics, computer science, and data science, which is more challenging for some individuals.
  • Rapid Change: AI is evolving quickly, and staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and technologies is demanding.
  • Ethical and Regulatory Challenges: AI raises ethical concerns related to privacy, bias in algorithms, and job displacement, which require careful consideration and ethical decision-making.

IT (Information Technology)


  • Versatility: IT offers a wide range of career options, from network administration to software development, allowing individuals to choose roles that match their interests and skills.
  • Stability: IT has been well-established for decades, providing stable career paths and consistent demand for IT professionals.
  • Diverse Industries: IT is integral to virtually all industries, offering opportunities to work in sectors like healthcare, finance, entertainment, and manufacturing.
  • Accessibility: Many entry-level IT positions have relatively low entry barriers, making the field accessible to individuals with various educational backgrounds.


  • Continuous Learning: The rapid pace of technological advancements in IT means that professionals must continuously update their skills and knowledge to remain competitive.
  • Stressful Situations: IT professionals may encounter high-pressure situations when dealing with technical problems and security breaches.
  • Job Outsourcing: Some IT jobs can be outsourced to countries with lower labor costs, potentially leading to job competition and wage stagnation.

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A Comprehensive Guide to CRO Strategies for Businesses

An astonishing 61% of businesses experiment with their landing pages up to five times a month as their CRO strategy.

This underscores the significance of meticulous attention to detail and the strategic implementation of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) techniques to propel your business to new heights.

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of CRO, elucidating its profound benefits for your business. We will also provide a comprehensive 100-day roadmap designed to improve your conversion rates.

Read until the end to replicate this CRO strategy that has facilitated numerous businesses to transcend to nine-figure revenue.

What is CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization)?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is improving your website or digital platform to increase the percentage of visitors who take a desired action or “convert” into your customers, leads, and subscribers. It helps you optimize your user experience and remove barriers that prevent visitors from completing your desired action. Ultimately, it maximizes your return on investment (ROI) from existing website traffic.

8 Surefire Benefits of CRO Strategies and Techniques for Businesses

Conversion optimization for small business website to enterprise-grade drive business success and maximizes the potential of your online venture. It offers your users a seamless experience, converts them, and transitions them into lifelong customers.

Below are the exclusive benefits that CRO brings to your business.

Increased Conversion Rates

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) strategies improve your conversion rates. All you need to do is pay attention to detail and optimize CTAs, landing pages, and checkout processes. So your user can easily be navigated and influenced to take your desired actions.

Improved Return on Investment (ROI)

CRO strategies help your business achieve a higher return on investment for your marketing efforts. By converting a higher percentage of existing website traffic into customers or leads, you can optimize the value of your marketing spend and generate more revenue without necessarily increasing your budget.

Better Understanding of Customer

CRO encourages garnering user feedback, surveys, and behavior tracking, which offers you valuable insights into your target audience. Through this enhanced understanding, you can tailor your marketing messages and offers to better resonate with your customers. Ultimately, you can give your customers a personalized experience and gain their loyalty.

Enhanced User Experience

Using CRO strategies, you can offer a better user experience for your website visitors. This leads to improved customer satisfaction, increased trust in your brand, and a positive impact on customer loyalty and retention. On the flip side, it will also reduce bounce rates and increase engagement.

Reduced Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) Costs

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) reduces your Customer Acquisition Costs by optimizing landing pages, CTAs, and user flow and offering an engaging user experience. So you can allocate your marketing budget more effectively and achieve a better return on investment (ROI).

Maximum Tracking of Your Marketing Activities

CRO strategies involve A/B testing, heatmaps, and user session recordings, providing valuable data on how visitors interact and respond to your website. This granular tracking enables you to identify which marketing efforts are most effective, which areas need improvement, and which initiatives lead to the highest conversions.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Since CRO strategy involves rigorous testing and analysis, it provides valuable data and insights about your website and customers. You can use this data to refine your strategies, optimize performance, and make informed decisions.

Competitive Advantage

Effective CRO strategies give your business a competitive edge in the market. By constantly improving and refining your website’s performance, you can stand out from competitors and attract more customers. Ultimately, this will lead you to long-term growth and success.

Your Business’s First 100 Day Strategies For CRO

The first 100 days lay a strong foundation and make significant improvements in your website’s performance. However, you need to follow a dedicated CRO process during this period. Let’s now dive into the detailed CRO process and strategies for your business.

Preparing for CRO Implementation

Preparing for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) implementation ensures that your efforts are focused and well-coordinated. It also yields significant improvements in your website’s performance. Here’s how you can prepare for CRO implementation:

Conduct a Website Audit and Usability Analysis

Before diving into CRO strategies, understand your website’s current state comprehensively. Perform a website audit and usability analysis to identify areas that need improvement, like:

a. Website Design and Layout

  • Evaluate the overall design aesthetics and branding consistency.
  • Ensure that your website is visually appealing and user-friendly.
  • Check for cluttered layouts and elements that might distract your visitors.

b. Navigation and User Flow

  • Analyze your website’s navigation menus and structure.
  • Ensure your users can easily find what they are looking for.
  • Identify dead-ends or confusing paths in the user journey.

c. Potential Friction Points

  • Look for elements that may cause friction in your conversion process.
  • Check for technical issues, slow page load times, or broken links.
  • Identify any barriers that might prevent your users from completing desired actions.

Set Clear and Measurable CRO Objectives

One of the top conversion optimization tips is to define clear and specific CRO objectives that align with your overall business goals. These objectives will serve as the foundation for your CRO strategy. Key considerations include:

a. Conversion Goals

  • Determine the primary conversions you want to focus on, like sales, lead generation, or email sign-ups.
  • Establish secondary conversions that contribute to your main goals, like newsletter subscriptions or downloads.

b. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Identify relevant KPIs that measure the success of your CRO efforts.
  • Examples of KPIs include conversion rate, bounce rate, average session duration, and cart abandonment rate.

c. Benchmark Targets

  • Set realistic benchmark targets for each KPI to track progress.
  • Use historical data and industry benchmarks to establish achievable goals.

Assemble a Dedicated CRO Team

Successful CRO strategy implementation requires collaboration and expertise from different departments. Depending on the size of your organization, you can either form a dedicated CRO team or identify responsible stakeholders for this initiative.

a. CRO Team Roles and Responsibilities

  • Consider including individuals from your marketing, design, development, and data analytics teams.
  • Designate a CRO manager or coordinator to oversee your process and communication.

b. Cross-Functional Collaboration

Ensure your team members work cohesively to achieve common CRO objectives.
Facilitate regular meetings to share insights and progress updates.

Allocate Resources and Budget for CRO Initiatives

CRO implementation requires additional resources, tools, and even budget allocation for A/B testing platforms or user research tools. Evaluate and allocate the necessary resources to support your CRO efforts effectively.

Implement User Feedback Mechanisms

Gather valuable insights from your customers through surveys, feedback forms, or live chat interactions. Understanding customer pain points and preferences will help you identify areas that need improvement and guide your CRO strategies.

Establish a Baseline for Future Comparison

Record your website’s current performance metrics before starting your CRO initiatives. This baseline data will serve as a point of comparison to measure the impact of your CRO efforts over time.

Day 1-10: Understanding Your Audience and Analytics

understand your targeted audience during the first ten days of your Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) journey. Gather valuable insights from website analytics. This foundation will shape your subsequent CRO strategies and ensure they align with your customer’s needs and preferences.

Conducting In-Depth Audience Research and Creating Buyer Personas

a. Analyzing Customer Demographics and Behaviors

  • Utilize tools like Google Tag Manager, Microsoft Clarity, Hotjar, Mixpanel, Optimizely, or Google Analytics 4 to identify key demographics of your website visitors, including age, gender, location, and interests.
  • Analyze your user behavior, considering the most visited pages, bounce rates, and average session duration.

b. Gathering Feedback Through Surveys and Interviews

  • Create online surveys to collect direct feedback from your website visitors about their experiences, pain points, and expectations.
  • Conduct user interviews to gain qualitative insights into their motivations and decision-making processes.

c. Creating Detailed Buyer Personas for Targeting

  • Use the collected data to create buyer personas representing your typical customers.
  • Define their goals, challenges, preferences, and the unique value your business offers them.

Analyzing Existing Website Analytics and User Behavior

a. Utilizing Tools like Google Analytics to Gather Data

  • Install Google Analytics to track user behavior on your website.
  • Set up conversion tracking to measure the success of your specific actions. For instance, completing purchases or sign-ups.

b. Identifying High-Traffic Pages and Top Entry Points

  • Identify pages that receive the most traffic and have the highest potential for conversions.
  • Determine the top entry points through which visitors arrive on your site to understand their intent.

c. Understanding User Journey and Behavior Flow

  • Analyze the typical user journey from entry to conversion and identify drop-off points or pages with high exit rates.
  • Understand how users navigate through your website and identify areas where they might encounter obstacles.

Day 11-20: Defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

During days 11 to 20, you will define your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your CRO strategy and establish benchmark targets for each metric.

Determining Conversion Goals

a. Identify Primary Conversions

  • Decide on the main conversions that align with your business objectives, like product purchases, form submissions, or account registrations.

b. Establish Secondary Conversions

  • Identify secondary conversions that contribute to the main goals, such as newsletter sign-ups or social media follows.

Identifying Relevant KPIs

a. Conversion Rate

  • Calculate the percentage of your website visitors who complete the desired conversion action.

b. Bounce Rate

  • Measure the percentage of users who leave your website after viewing only one page.

c. Average Session Duration

  • Determine the average time users spend on your website per session.

d. Cart Abandonment Rate

  • Calculate the percentage of users who add items to their shopping cart but do not complete the purchase.

Setting Benchmark Targets for KPIs

a. Use Historical Data and Industry Benchmarks

  • Analyze historical data to understand your current performance for each KPI.
  • Research industry benchmarks to set realistic and achievable targets.

b. Establish Specific Targets

  • Set specific numerical targets for each KPI to measure your progress over time.
  • Ensure that the targets are challenging yet attainable within the given timeframe.

Day 21-40: Implementing Quick Wins and A/B Testing

From day 21 to 40, implement quick wins and conduct A/B testing to identify high-impact changes that can improve your conversion rates immediately.

Identifying Quick Wins

a. Address Low-Hanging Fruit

  • Identify elements on your website that can be easily optimized with minimal effort but significantly impact conversions.
  • Examples include improving CTA buttons, refining headline copy, or adding trust signals.

b. Address High-Exit Pages

  • Identify pages with high exit rates and focus on improving their content, layout, or navigation to keep your users engaged.

Conducting A/B Testing

a. Formulating Test Hypotheses

  • Create clear and specific hypotheses for each A/B test based on identified areas for improvement.
  • Ensure that each hypothesis has a measurable and actionable goal.

b. Designing A/B Tests

  • Create variations for CTAs, button colors, or page layouts.
  • Use A/B testing tools to ensure a random distribution of traffic between variations.

c. Analyzing and Interpreting Test Results

  • Allow each A/B test to run for an appropriate duration to gather statistically significant data.
  • Analyze the results to determine which variation performs better in terms of the defined KPIs.

d. Implementing Insights from A/B Testing

  • Implement the winning variations from A/B tests to make data-driven improvements to your website.
  • Learn from unsuccessful tests and use the insights to refine your future CRO strategies.

Day 41-60: Enhancing Website User Experience (UX)

Enhance your website’s user experience and tailor it to the ideal CRO web design from day 41 to 60. It will create a seamless and delightful journey for your visitors, increasing your conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Conducting a Comprehensive UX Analysis

a. Evaluate Website Navigation and Layout

  • Ensure that your website has clear navigation menus and a logical structure that guides users to the information or products they seek.
  • Streamline your layout to reduce clutter and improve visual hierarchy.

b. Optimizing Page Load Times and Mobile Responsiveness

  • Optimize images and other media files to reduce your page load times.
  • Ensure that your website is mobile-responsive and offers a smooth experience on all devices.

Improving Website Content and Messaging

a. Crafting Clear and Engaging Content

  • Use compelling and concise copy that clearly communicates your value proposition and benefits.
  • Use persuasive language to guide your users toward conversions.

b. Addressing User Pain Points

  • Analyze user feedback and identify common pain points or frequently asked questions.
  • Address these pain points in your content and provide solutions to build trust and credibility.

Enhancing CTA (Call-to-Action) Design

a. Creating Attention-Grabbing CTAs

  • Use contrasting colors and eye-catching designs for your CTAs so they stand out.
  • Make sure CTAs are placed strategically on pages with relevant content.

b. Utilizing Action-Oriented Copy

  • Use action-oriented language in your CTAs to encourage your users to take the desired action.
  • Experiment with different CTA copies to see which variations perform best.

Day 61-70: Leveraging Social Proof and Testimonials

Day 61 to 70 of the CRO strategy is usually dedicated to leveraging social proof and customer testimonials. It will help you build trust and credibility, which can significantly impact conversion rates.

Collecting and Showcasing Customer Testimonials and Reviews

a. Encouraging Customer Feedback

  • Request customer reviews and testimonials through email or post-purchase surveys.
  • Incentivize customers to leave feedback with discounts or loyalty rewards.

b. Displaying Testimonials Strategically

  • Showcase customer testimonials prominently on high-converting pages or product/service pages.
  • Use compelling visuals and include customer names and photos (with permission) for authenticity.

Implementing Social Proof Elements

a. Displaying Social Media Followers and Engagements

  • Highlight the number of your social media followers. Share your brand has strong popularity and trustworthiness.
  • Use social media widgets or counters to showcase real-time engagement.

b. Featuring Influencer Endorsements

  • Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to promote your products or services.
  • Highlight their endorsements on your website to add credibility.

Creating Case Studies and Success Stories

a. Collecting and Analyzing Customer Success Stories

  • Identify customers who have achieved significant results or experienced positive outcomes using your product or service.
  • Conduct interviews or surveys to gather detailed information about their success.

b. Presenting Compelling Case Studies

  • Create visually appealing case studies that showcase the challenges faced by customers, the solutions provided, and the results achieved.
  • Demonstrate the value of your offerings through real-life examples.

Day 71-80: Personalization and Targeting CRO Strategies

Plan on offering a tailored experience to every user landing on your website from Days 71 to 80. Segment your audience for a personalized experience.

Utilizing Dynamic Content Based on User Behavior and Preferences

a. Implementing Behavioral Tracking

  • Use cookies and tracking tools to monitor user behavior on your website.
  • Analyze their interactions to understand their preferences and interests.

b. Customizing Content and Recommendations

  • Show personalized content, product recommendations, or offers based on your user’s previous interactions.
  • Use dynamic landing pages to tailor your content according to user segments.

Tailoring Offers and Promotions to Specific Customer Segments

a. Segmentation Based on Customer Data

  • Segment your audience based on demographics, behavior, or purchase history.
  • Use CRM data to personalize your communication and offerings.

b. Sending Targeted Email Campaigns

  • Create personalized email campaigns for different customer segments.
  • Use dynamic email content to display relevant products or content.

Implementing Personalized Recommendations and Product Suggestions

a. Product Recommendation Engines

  • Integrate product recommendation engines on your website or eCommerce platform.
  • Show related products or items frequently bought together to boost cross-selling.

b. Personalized Content Based on User Preferences

  • Offer content suggestions based on your users’ reading habits or content consumption history.
  • Provide options to customize email subscriptions to match individual preferences.

Day 81-90: Reducing Friction in the Conversion Process

Days 81 to 90 are critical and are dedicated to streamlining your conversion process. Now, you need to eliminate barriers and make it smooth and frictionless for your users to complete desired actions.

Streamlining the Checkout Process

a. Implementing Guest Checkout

  • Allow your users to complete purchases without creating an account.
  • Offer guest checkout as an option to reduce friction and increase your conversion rates.

b. Simplifying Payment and Shipping Options

  • Provide multiple payment options to accommodate diverse customer preferences.
  • Display transparent shipping costs and delivery times upfront to avoid surprises.

Reducing Cart Abandonment

a. Implementing Exit-Intent Popups

  • Use exit-intent popups to offer discounts or incentives when your users attempt to leave the website with items in their cart.
  • Encourage them to reconsider their decision and complete the purchase.

b. Sending Abandoned Cart Emails

  • Automatically send reminder emails to users who abandon their carts, encouraging them to return and complete the purchase.
  • Use personalized subject lines and content to capture their attention.

Simplifying Form Fills and Data Entry

a. Minimizing Required Fields

  • Reduce the number of mandatory form fields to make the signup or checkout process quick and effortless.
  • Use smart form design to hide unnecessary fields until they become relevant.

b. Implementing Autofill and Autocomplete

  • Enable autofill and autocomplete features to make data entry quicker and more convenient for your users.
  • Utilize browser features to pre-fill known information, like addresses and payment details.

Day 91-100: Evaluating CRO Success and Establishing Ongoing Strategies

During the last ten days, it’s time to evaluate the success of your CRO strategy and efforts. Measure the impact on KPIs, and establish a roadmap for ongoing optimization.

Measuring the Impact of Implemented CRO Strategies on KPIs

a. Analyzing A/B Testing Results

  • Evaluate the performance of A/B test variations and identify the most successful changes.
  • Calculate the uplift in conversion rates and other relevant KPIs.

b. Comparing with Benchmark Targets

  • Compare the achieved KPIs with the benchmark targets set earlier in the process.
  • Identify areas where you have exceeded or fallen short of expectations.

Identifying Areas for Further Optimization and Improvement

a. Analyzing User Feedback and Behavior

  • Review user feedback collected during the first 100 days and identify recurring themes or pain points.
  • Look for areas where user behavior indicates potential for improvement.

b. Conducting Heatmap and User Session Analysis

  • Utilize heatmap tools and user session recordings to understand how users interact with specific elements on your website.
  • Use this data to optimize key pages and call to action.

Roadmap for Ongoing CRO Strategies & Efforts Beyond the First 100 Days

Once you follow the 100 days optimization plan, continuously tracking the response and result will help you increase your conversion rate exponentially.

a. Establishing a CRO Calendar

  • Plan regular CRO activities and testing cycles for the upcoming months.
  • Allocate resources and time for future optimization efforts.

b. Continuously Implementing CRO Best Practices

  • Stay updated with the latest CRO trends and best practices to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Continuously optimize and refine your website to maintain a competitive edge.

Drive Higher Conversion Rates With Hired CRO Experts of VinnCorp

Finding the best CRO experts for hire? You’ve got a piece of good news. VinnCorp is a remote talent company that provides you with Silicon Valley CRO experts.

With a rich background in attention to detail and a proven track record in transitioning business nine figures and beyond, we help you make record-breaking sales. We understand your goals, analyze your website, devise a functional CRO strategy, and implement it. Additionally, we monitor and analyze to understand the best-performing strategy and use it across your entire website.

Contact us today and book CRO experts for your project.

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How to share your Google Calendar with others to make scheduling easier

It is the modern era of technology, and we know everything works digitally, from calling a friend through an app to scheduling important meetings with your office colleagues. Everything now can be done with the help of your fingertips.

Google Calendar by Gmail is one of the great tools as it provides many functionalities. The Gmail app is the second most widely used email application, while Google Calendar is also the most widely used network. According to statistics, 500 million people worldwide are using Google calendar, which is also available in 41 languages for people of different nationalities.

If you are reading this article, you are probably searching for a way to share your Google Calendar with others. Look no further! We have whatever you want to know; continue reading!

Before knowing how to share Google Calendar, we have to know how to schedule an event on it first.

Steps to create an event on Google Calendar

1. Open Google Calendar using Google Apps.

2. Click on the date and time you want to schedule an event. Or, you can click Create from the top left corner of your screen.

3. Add your preferred details, event title, event location, event time and which Calendar you want it to be a part of.

4. Add or invite guests to your event as you want.

5. After completing the event details, click the Save button.

After completing the above steps, a calendar event will be created on your Google Calendar at the location and time. And the guests you would have added will be notified, and they will be able to access the event.

Now that you have learned how to create an event let’s look at ways to share your Google Calendar.

Ways to share your Google Calendar

You need to be aware of your busy colleagues’ and clients’ schedules when setting up meetings, especially with them. Instantly sharing your Google Calendar with others makes scheduling a time and location much easier. How frequently have you overheard a team member calling a client to inquire about their availability for a subsequent meeting? A shared calendar makes things quick and easy in that situation.

There are multiple ways to share your Google calendar; select what is feasible for you!

Sharing Google Calendar via settings

  • Open your Google Calendar on your computer or laptop-sharing through a mobile app that is not available.
  • At the bottom left menu, look for “My Calendars” you can expand or close the list by clicking ^.
  • Hover your mouse over the Calendar you want to share, then select the three dots on the right.
  • After that, select “Settings and Sharing.”

There are a few options you can select from, depending on the way you plan to share your Google Calendar with others.

  • Under “Share with specific people,” you can add contacts one at a time.
  • If you want and don’t mind sharing it with anyone, you can select “Make available to the public,” and anyone with the link will be able to view your public Calendar. However, in the tab on the right, you can adjust the settings on which details are visible.

Sharing Google Calendar to view in a web browser

  1. A direct HTML link can be sent to the people you want to view your Google Calendar.
  2. Click Settings
  3. On the left side, click your Calendar
  4. In the section where it says “Access Permissions,” click “Get shareable link” and copy the link
  5. Send the link to any contacts you want your Google Calendar to view.

Google Calendar is a great tool, and you can use it in multiple ways. Let us list some ways to use it and make your life easier.

Syncing all your work in one place

Want to sync every Calendar you have with Google Calendar? By doing this, you’ll be able to view your events on a single calendar and get a clear image of how busy you are. If you have both, you may sync your personal and business calendars to view them.

  1. Open your Google Calendar
  2. Click the “Settings menu” gear, then select “Settings.”
  3. Scroll down to “Import and Export”
  4. Export your Calendar
  5. Go to your main Calendar
  6. Click the “Settings menu” gear, then select “Settings” again
  7. Scroll down to “Import and Export”
  8. And import your Calendar

The above-given method will sync all your work in one place and make it easy for you to manage it using one Calendar.

Viewing your Colleague’s Calendars

If you’re working at a large or mid-sized company, you might have several meetings in a day with your colleagues. It is very important to view your colleague’s calendars to schedule the meetings at the right time and know when everyone involved is free to have a meeting. With Google Calendar, viewing your colleague’s Calendar and events for the day is easy.

  1. Open Google Calendar
  2. On the left side menu, type your coworker’s email under Add Calendar.
  3. A request for permission to view your coworker’s Calendar will be sent to their email; once it is accepted, you will be able to view their Calendar and events.

Changing your Google Calendar View

If your Calendar is overflowing with events, switching up the view can help you better understand what’s coming up. A day view could be useful if you have a busy schedule every day so you can concentrate on all of your meetings for the day. However, a monthly view can be more useful if you discover that you only seldom have an event.
You can change your Google Calendar view by:

  1. Open Google Calendar
  2. Besides the settings menu, click the dropdown (Day, Week, Month, etc.)
  3. Then choose the setting you want to view your Calendar.
  4. You can also select whether to show weekends or not.

Setting Privileges

With the help of shared Google calendars, you may use different permission settings to make the most of other people’s time-saving efforts or restrict access to keep full control over events. You can choose how much access you wish to grant to those authorized to view your Calendar. Google provides four levels of access while sharing calendars:

1. Manage changes and sharing

This level of access allows a person to create or delete events on your Calendar and manage the sharing options. You can assign anyone to do your work, like schedule events and share your calendar events with anyone on your behalf.

2. Manage events only

With this accessibility level, you can grant someone permission to handle your events. They can create and schedule meetings for you without access to sharing capabilities.

3. See all event details.

The person you will allow this level of access to will only be able to view your public events. They will not be able to create or schedule any event for you. No events can be deleted, and they can view no personal events.

4. See free or busy (hidden details)

Only the free or busy information is displayed to the viewer with no name or information.

Disable Calendar Sharing Option

This was about sharing your Google Calendar to make scheduling easier, but what if you want to disable the sharing option? What should you do then?

Sharing a Google Calendar is easy likewise, and vice versa is also very easy. You have to follow some simple steps.
Start by clicking the Calendar you want to modify.
If you are using a touch screen, touch and long press the calendar name.
Lastly, select the “Permissions” option. Locate the person whose access you want to change, then select a new configuration type or the discard icon to remove it completely. This will prevent Calendar sharing with that person. You can “Save” alterations or “Cancel” them.


To make your scheduling process more efficient, share your Google Calendar with others. A Google Calendar can be shared easily, and many privacy options are available. All you need is a legitimate Gmail account. You can allow anyone to schedule and create or delete events for you. They can also add the people involved in a meeting or exclude anyone from attending it. Likewise, you can always stop allowing access to the Calendar by disabling the sharing option. You can delete the email of the person you have granted permission to and change the access level for that person under “Permissions.”

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QA Automation: How to Automate Your Quality Assurance Process

The fact that 24% of companies have experienced a significant increase in Return On Investment (ROI) after adopting automated testing validates its potential as a game-changing technology. It’s no surprise that businesses are now shifting from manual to automated testing to keep pace with the competition and increase their revenue.

Note that QA automation is different from manual testing, and a comprehensive understanding of the process is necessary to optimize your revenues. That’s where we come in.

In this article, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process for QA automation testing, equipping you with the knowledge to execute it correctly. Stay up to date with this latest technology and start now to stay ahead of the game.

QA Automation: 5 Steps of Quality Assurance Process

Set a Specific Goal

The first step of QA automation is much like manual QA testing, which is setting a specific goal. A well-defined goal is necessary to achieve a conclusive outcome.

Set practical goals and consider potential factors. This includes your team’s expertise in running the QA automation software, the volume of data, and the software you’re testing.

Additionally, you don’t have to test the entire application or software. Automating specific features may suffice, depending on the testing software you’re using.

Factors to Consider When Setting a Goal for Automated QA Testing

In addition to the primary considerations, running a smooth QA automation test involves keeping other factors in view. This includes:

  • How complicated is the software? – Some software is complex and may require more extensive and thorough automated testing to ensure that all components are working properly,
  • How much time do you have? – Since QA automation is a costly process, you should opt for it when running out of time to deliver the product on a committed hour.
  • How many resources do you have? – You need to consider the available resources for the project. Failing to consider this factor may lead to interruptions in the middle of the process.

Picking Automation Tool

Selecting the right tool is the next step in initiating the QA automation testing process. As the name implies, automated testing requires the utilization of a tool.

There are a plethora of tools available in the market. Some of these tools are free, while others ask for monthly and annual payments for their premium features. It is no secret that the most reliable tools often come with a price tag.

Remember, all tools might not be well-suited for every project. Project nature difference and the technology employed in your application are critical factors to consider when selecting a tool.

Despite these considerations, choosing the appropriate tool is essential for achieving accurate and effective results.

How to Pick the Best QA Automation Tool

Choosing the right QA automation tool is essential for effective testing. The factors listed below will help you achieve the best choice to meet your testing needs.

  • Cost – Set a budget for your project and select a tool that fits within it.
  • Functionality – Ensure the tool you choose is compatible with your software or application.
  • Versatility – Choose a testing tool that promises versatility and allows testing on various types of software.
  • Usage – Opt for a tool that your team is already familiar with to avoid difficulties in understanding results.

Design Script Outline

Design an online script once you have selected a QA automation tool. Keep in mind that your script should meet the project requirements and follow a standard format.

An ideal script is always:

  • Well-structured – with every part and detail clearly defined
  • Reusable – applicable to different used cases
  • Easy to understand – facilitating third-party analysis
  • Specific to the selected tool – mentioning the tool you’ll work with
  • Time-bound – with a defined deadline to complete the project
  • Goal-oriented – with comprehensive detail on objectives
  • Result-driven – highlighting the desired outcome or the features being tested

Tools To Use for Scripting

Scripting the QA automation process can be done manually or through automation using various open-source and reliable tools. Some popular options include:

  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Appium
  • Android Monitor

Not only are these tools used for scripting, but you can also use them for testing features or software across multiple browsers.

Test Execution

Once you have completed all the steps mentioned above, begin your QA automation test. However, you’ll need to select a test type before launching the test, as there are two types available.

Types of Testing

Let’s have a look at these testing types so you can pick one that aligns with your project requirements.

  • GUI Testing

GUI or Graphic User Interface (GUI) testing is the type of testing that primarily monitors ease of use. It keeps in view the user persona and replicates the user behavior on your software or application when testing.

This type of testing can also be conducted manually. However, the GUI QA automation test accelerates the process and helps you achieve the target quickly – probably in half time.

Using this testing mechanism, you detect the bugs and eliminate errors you or your QA team might have missed during manual testing. It is intended to make sure your software works as expected and desired.

  • API Testing

API testing is used to test your application’s programming interface, which cannot be tested through GUI testing.

Assessing built-in house and third-party APIs is the primary aim of this testing system. It focuses on end-to-end transactions along with individual software components.

While the testing may include security attack responses, testing response time and format, and the capability of software to handle boundaries. So you can have a better understanding of your software’s accuracy.
Pick one of these testing types depending on the type of software you have and the features you want to test.

Analysis and Studying Report

Collect and analyze the results after you have picked a test type and conducted one of the QA automation tests. The tool you will use for automation will generate a report.

These results will provide you insights into any bugs or issues that you missed out on in manual testing. It will also indicate if additional testing is necessary.

If reports suggest that no further testing is required, you can implement the necessary corrections. At this point, you might need to collaborate with your design and development teams – depending on the stage of your software.


To ease your QA automation testing, we provided you with a comprehensive process to automate your product’s quality assurance. Begin by setting a specific goal for the automation test.

This step is followed by selecting the appropriate tool that meets your criteria, requirements, and budget while aligning with your team’s expertise. Designing a well-structured and reusable script is the next crucial step in the process. Once the script is in place, execute your test and analyze the results generated by the automation tool.

Discuss the identified bugs with your design and development team to make necessary corrections and ensure your software or application is error-free before launch. By following these steps, you can streamline your QA automation process and improve the accuracy and efficiency of your testing.

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How to Conduct Usability Testing in Six Steps

If users land on your website but go back to the previous website or search engine within a few seconds, you may need to make a few improvements. In a study, 88% of customers stated that they didn’t prefer returning to sites that aren’t user-friendly, which makes a user interface an important factor impacting user experience.

This statistic shows how important it is to perform usability testing before launching your product or website. If you are searching for how to conduct usability testing for a website, application, or software, we have got you covered.

Here are the six simple steps you can follow to make your interface smooth, retain website visitors, and generate higher revenue.

6 Simple Steps for Conducting Usability Testing

Step 1. Have a Product Ready and Specify Your Goals

To get started with the usability testing process, you should have the product ready. Your product can be anything between software, a website, or an application. Sometimes, usability testing is conducted when the final product is ready. Whereas some businesses prefer conducting initial tests on the prototype.

Be certain if you want to test a prototype or the final product. We’d suggest testing at the prototype stage since it is easier to address major issues at the start.

Along with choosing the product stage for testing, you should also have a testing goal in mind. Make up your mind if you want to test its design, its smooth use, or its navigation.

Testing with a set goal will get you the results you’re looking for and help you make necessary improvements. Otherwise, driving a reliable result and creating a plan for improvement can be challenging.

For smooth and efficient testing, you can also outsource a QA engineer. In fact, you can get in touch with VinnCorp’s talented QA engineers, who have years of experience making software products user-friendly.

Step 2. Design the Test and Pick a Test Type

The next step of usability testing is designing your test. It’s important to have a flawless test design to generate error-free results.

Your test type can be divided into two sub-categories:

  • Open Ended Tasks
  • Specific Task

Open Ended Tasks

Open-ended tasks are carried out to identify the most common interest of your targeted audience. It helps you work on primary issues that are keeping users from using your product effortlessly.

Specific Tasks

As the name implies, specific tasks intend to generate results for a particular feature or functionality. Usually, these types of tasks can address issues when a product has multiple functionalities or is highly complex.

Pick a test type from both of these according to your scenario and product type to conduct successful user testing.

Step 3. Test Your Product With the Right Audience

Once you have set the goal and chosen a test type, the next step is to find the right test audience. This step is the most crucial one and takes a hefty amount of time. With a product live, you might not have to work hard in this stage and can perform tests on your existing customers. However, if you do not have an audience, you might have to use your social channels.

Ask your friends or family members to be a participant if their interest aligns with the product you are about to launch. Be sure to remind them that you want unbiased results to acquire the right knowledge and flaws of your product.

If achieving unbiased results is not possible, try to avoid fellow employees or family members, as they can affect the data. Since a well-aware audience comes with pre-convinced thoughts and experience, they might also reflect and criticize your product on the basis of their prior experience. Recruiting an audience unfamiliar with your product can be highly beneficial in this case.

Additionally, take account of your audience’s “gender, age, location, education, profession, income, or characteristics” to evaluate the results better.

Step 4. Conduct Your Test on a Suitable Platform

Depending on the type of your product, you can conduct tests in two ways:

  • Remote
  • In-person


For remote testing, you can use platforms like Skype or Zoom. Observe the expressions of your test participants if it’s live to get a better idea of their impression of a specific feature.

While conducting the test, you can also tell your tester to imagine a product and its specific feature’s impact on their life. This will help them make a better verdict on it.


Request your test participant to evaluate how smoothly your product responds and operates and add a personal touch when dealing with participants personally. This will also make your tester comfortable and distraction-free.

In fact, you should always pick an isolated place to test with no pets, family members, or employees around. One good example is the Guerilla method, where you can simply meet the tester in cafes or public places to conduct tests.

Practice asking the questions beforehand to focus on the subject’s answers on the spot. You can also record the test conversation with the consent of the candidate. This will keep you free from making notes.

Mention that the recording will be confidential and you will be reviewing it for test analysis. Later, when you revisit the recording, you’ll be able to focus on points that might have gone unnoticed earlier during the test.

Step 5. Maintain Data of the Test

Maintaining data is the next step once you are done with the test. In this stage, you distill, summarize, and organize data to get it in good shape and make it easier to study.

The data gathered can be in the following ways:

  • Audio recordings
  • Video recordings
  • Spreadsheet with notes
  • Survey and feedback form
  • Calculated success rate
  • Calculated error rate percentage

Make a testing report with the above-mentioned details. You can also use a Powerpoint presentation to reflect all the data and include the background, testing method, test result, recommendations, and summary in the report.

This stage needs complete focus and proofreading of the report to ensure the results are reliable. Remember, the goal is to make amendments and improvements on the basis of the data, so never rush while making the report.

Step 6. Improve Your Product On the Basis of Data Gathered

This is the final stage of usability testing. Here, you will address bugs and fix them according to the reports generated to give your users a smoother interface and experience.

Draw a possible solution for every error encountered during the test. It would be best to have multiple solutions to solve a specific issue. This way, you can go with option B if option A doesn’t improve your product’s issue.

Collaborate with your designer and developer to resolve these issues. Share details regarding the bug found, and issues users have faced. They will work on it to make a responsive and user-friendly product.


To help you make your product’s interface smooth, this article discussed how to conduct usability testing in six simple steps.

Usability testing is a straightforward method to detect bugs and improve performance. To perform this test, you have to specify the goals of your test, design and pick a test type, recruit an audience to participate and take their opinion, maintain data collected during the test, and improve your product at last.

Once you carry out this test and remove the errors, you are bound to see increased engagement and conversion on your website.

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